Test Engleza Avansati


Test engleză nivel avansați

1 / 30

1. It ... for hours now.

2 / 30

2. Had she known about this earlier, she ... warned them.

3 / 30

3. I haven't read the book. I know what it's about because I read ... .

4 / 30

4. No one has ... the text, so there are a lot of spelling mistakes.

5 / 30

5. Rest well tonight and ... tomorrow at the presentation.

6 / 30

6. She told me they ... three years before.

7 / 30

7. ... we had known better!

8 / 30

8. Climbing those stairs every day is really a ... .

9 / 30

9. Will you please explain this to me? I'm ... to understand.

10 / 30

10. Look, I burnt my hand! You ... told me it was hot!

11 / 30

11. If you want to buy a car, you should start ... money.

12 / 30

12. ... printer over there is out of order.

13 / 30

13. ... have you been talking to?

14 / 30

14. We ... for years.

15 / 30

15. I didn't do it! It was her ... .

16 / 30

16. The suspect ... right now.

17 / 30

17. The occupation army hasn't ... from their territory.

18 / 30

18. We were walking in the park when the storm ... .

19 / 30

19. Do you mind ... places? I cannot stay near the window.

20 / 30

20. They ... trying to get in touch with you, but you never answer your phone.

21 / 30

21. ... about retiring?

22 / 30

22. It ... for two hours when we got to the cabin.

23 / 30

23. Sarah told me she ... and visit us.

24 / 30

24. He ... with a plan to save the company.

25 / 30

25. I waited for two hours, but she didn't ... .

26 / 30

26. Please ... your work before you go out.

27 / 30

27. Thank you for your call. I look forward ... you again.

28 / 30

28. Try ... your computer if you cannot shut down that program.

29 / 30

29. He wishes he ... younger.

30 / 30

30. ... that great doctor, I wouldn't be here now.

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The average score is 61%



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