Test Engleza de afaceri Incepatori


Test engleză de afaceri nivel începători

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1. Tom Smith was telling me yesterday about a company with which we should cooperate and ... business with.

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2. If we're cutting our advertising budget, any discussion about our promotional campaign is ... .

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3. ... a strategy, he seems very unclear.

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4. The firm's performance is ... our expectations.

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5. Political stability should be ... when planning foreign investment.

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6. Africa's ... economies have not done much yet for Africa's millions of poor.

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7. Pack the tools and ... to the customer!

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8. When a company sets up its own operation without foreign partners, that operation is ... owned by it.

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9. Some joint ventures do not ... happily.

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10. I am in charge of the quality control and so that means that I have ... all the production and make sure that it all conforms to quality standards.

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11. If I hadn't worked in the publishing sector for 20 years, I ... the knowledge to become an editor.

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12. The Enzoni company occupies a profitable ... and has been able to survive the many fluctuations in the market.

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13. We are looking for a dynamic individual with a strong ... in sales and deep knowledge of German language.

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14. UK citizens are increasingly likely ... when faced with poor service, according to a recent survey.

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15. By the mid 90s, Lithuania's export percentage to the European Union ... about 33%.

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16. Drivers are ... for a go-down in motorway tolls.

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17. The trainees did not ... with the trainer and confessed they would like to take part in a different one.

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18. New ... of psychiatric drugs were sold through the existing sales representatives.

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19. They were trying to sell their products to the wrong customers at the wrong price and so ... were falling dramatically.

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20. Last year, the government ... the Ministry's budget by 40%.

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21. As you know, our offices here in central London are extremely expensive as the rent ... in the past six years.

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22. You have just received an invitation to an open evening at a ... with a tour within their new manufacturing plant.

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23. During the recent years, most ... companies have started to focus on brand management.

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24. It is a well-known fact that happy employees make happy ... .

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25. Warren Buffet, the world's largest investor, ... Berkshire Hathaway when he left school.

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26. Their plans concerning this business involved all the aspects: finance, people and ... (that is equipment, buildings and know-how).

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27. After having listened to all the arguments, you will certainly have decided in what to ... .

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28. Tara Suzuki had to explain the investment he decided to make to the other ... .

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29. We only hire the most creative people and we seldom make mistakes in our ... .

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30. There were technical problems and that's why the ... started a month later.

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31. For various reasons, the project is ... schedule.

Your score is

The average score is 43%



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